Saturday, June 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Yong Xian

Yups !ZouSan . Happy birthday SR1G's Meat Girl YongXian :D 
长大了 成熟了 要生生性性做个乖大孩!我们第一年同班 所以今年才了解你。其实重点是{多吃菜少吃肉}
我也不知道你做么将爱吃肉的囖 ?原因何在阿?[肉肉人] <----不知谁帮你取的名字 not bad mah XD 
aii,考试加油 第一次考试拿第一名 满足了你的愿望换了一架I-phone5,还在家长日当天吃了一餐Jogoya;) 
这次你在拿第一名可能你妈妈心情好 再买一架SamsungS4 OR.... so JIAYOU lah ! hahahahahhahaha ..
 Ekon 教我们的 : 人的欲望无限 ! 只要你有钱 你就可以满足你的欲望 。
你快点找个猪肉荣来嫁掉算了拉 。这样你就每天能吃到肉 嘻嘻 :P 
哎 好像没什么东西讲  应该是平时在班上讲完了 在skype也讲了。so happy birthday lo :3 
要开开心心将祝福你每天都可以吃到好吃的肉 :s  

We are Best Spammer ! your b'day gift ! 
 post again happy meat day :3 lalalalalalala

Exam ? Holiday ?

Hakunamatata ! Hakunamatata ! Wanna re-open school ady . That feeling is 'DIE in the exam coming soon' 
mom and dad going to travel lah ! OMG ,i can't  follow them ! :/ so bad !huh huh huh ...
 exam yo exam ! you know how much I hate you every times :o but we are student no choose .
 skyping now with my skype kaki: GuanXian YongXian and Jesse :3 
*The BEST SPAMMER : Lim Kok Bao !He always spam my facebook wall  ! LOL :O 
*Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.
*My best friends are crazy but who cares they make me happy and I love them for it.
*Really dont want to fail, but what am i doing?
* looking at the book and thinking about others
*時間 不一定證明許多東西,但一定會看透許多東西 

Yes ,I Love Converse so much :3 that shoes, that every things :D save money to buy ,jiayou ^^ 



yeah love so much :3 #save money ! 
 yeappss someone wanna be a birthday girl yo :3 her name call {Meat Girl } YongXian ! 
I love you eii <3 happy birthday to you .#skyping with her now .Wait 12am to sing a birthday song to her . 
Our Love #SR1G Happy birthday 
Our Memory .Keep our friendship forever and ever .Stay Healthy and exam jiayou . Stay PRETTY too <3 
okay ...gonna spam her wall later !so ganjiong leh :D yes !! 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Infinity .

HALLO ?! Its THU today 6/6/13 back from KC Hostel today .
假期还剩下不多天就还有3天而已 读书?功课 ?全部做到一半一半 ,功课好像永远做不完书永远背不完。
 剩下3天的假期要把功课给做完 何尝不难呢?要把书给吭完有点痛苦呢?!:/
开学后又只剩3天的时间来复习 时间咄咄逼人啊!! #累翻. 
 第一天考SCIENCE 随堂考!很少上课 也不明 还没做复习!什么也不会.
#全部人的目标都好高好高 对自己的期望很高 对自己都很有信心# <——这是别人 不是我 。

假期留宿很幸运有你们陪我 谢谢啦:D XinHui &Bobo .
我们笑翻宿舍大声讲大声笑 没人理我们 那感觉多么自在自由呀!电话铃声大声到整条走廊都听到 这是难得的机会 
一起读书一起在同一个时间睡觉 一起聊家里的趣事。很好的回忆 :D



 :3 <3 :)!  

#study hard play hard too :} Thanks my skype kaki :GuanXian HouZhe Jesse ChyiShyuan YongXian YiSian :3
如果你觉得我骗你你就不要相信我啊何苦呢你?何苦每次要欺骗自己然后说 没事呢?!